!!! OKAY KELLY K !!!

✦✦✦ !!! OKAY KELLY K DOT COM !!! ✦✦✦

my website's finally up and running!
feelin like a grown up now.


  1. Nice! I would ask you to look at my page, only I'm too embarrased by it. I have a lot of fixing to do.

    I have one suggestion for you. The images in your gallery take a bit of time to load even on my high speed connection. You should probably lower the quality just slightly.

  2. thanks for letting me know!! how long does it take? i was a little worried about that, because even on the school computers it takes around 5-10 seconds for it to fully load. i'll have to change that. i think it's all the .png files. :(

    have you presented yours in class yet? don't be embarrassed by it! it's gonna help us make a living haha. did you do yours in dreamweaver though? i found it kind of tough to figure out. but i guess the neat thing is if you're really not happy with it, at least you know how it works now so you can always just make another over the summer!

  3. Yes, I presented it already. It was quite a painful experience. Yes, I did mine in dreamweaver from scratch. The great thing about the way I made it, is that it uses both templates and css, so I can change every aspect of the design on the fly and I don't have to recreate each page and all the content remains the same.
