☄ earring DNA ID tag/GPS
☄ thermal bodysuit w/ nervous system, monitor, and communicators
☄ bandana (signifies division and rank)
☄ standard SYB shirt
☄ thumb&indexfinger VDT (when thumb&index finger connect, it acts similar to a Scouter from DBZ)
☄ protective socks
☄ shoulder pads (holds 6 self-lighting cigarettes)
☄ handyman gloves
☄ utility belt (contains knife pleated parachute skirt-cloth), tools not provided by SYB
☄ pillowboots (inflatable sole)
☄ twin daggers (retractable/extendable), additional weapons optional: not provided by SYB
☄ combat halo activates upon completion of uniform (shape and size differs depending on user’s ability)
i've been wanting to design a ✧✧✧ mahou shounen ⚔ space combat ✧✧✧ story for a while now, but aside from jotting down and doodling the occasional notes from ideas that suddenly pop into my head, i haven't been able to come up with anything concrete.i'm the worst when it comes to forming a proper plot. the most i can manage is coming up with a set of characters i will never use/never draw again.
BUT!!! i'm trying to change this for real this time! i really want to do something with this MSSC idea.
this is Crozier/Croze/Crow/Gross. the left half of my twinduo that i always draw but never post/talk about. i've been drawing and thinkin bout them for nearly two years. two years!! it's about time i do something more with them. they deserve more than unfinished sketches that never see the light of day.
i actually drew this image close to a year ago, but never put it up here because i thought i'd save it until i finished drawing Shackleton/Shack/Shark/Tacky to go with it.
aaaaaand a year later and i still haven't started that piece. :I i'll get to it some day. even though i probably can't draw like that anymore.
i think it was around this time last year that i started to be interested in the idea of space combat w/out heavymachinery and Gundams and ships and Daleks. just plain ol' hand2hand, dagger2dagger duels in the great nothingness. i also finished Ender's Game around this time last year. so that was a huge influence?
and earlier on in the year i kind of stuck with this theme of youth and objects/daggers as companions.
i really liked (and still like!! this is a rare thing!) the stuff i made for my semesterlong theme, and this is one of my favourite images ever. i worked on the bottom image for a long time, redrawing everything (like the hands/knives/face/etc) at least a good 5-10 times. it took a lot of tracing paper and lead.
i bought a lot of lead during the winter semester............
i was going to turn it into a litho etching (is that what it's called? when you scrape into the ink to make a print?) but i really screwed up just before printing, and was unable to pull any prints at all on an image i worked 2.5 months on haha. IT WAS A LEARNING PROCESS.
pin case collection
(fits one cigarette)
i've always loved the badges in Pokemon and the idea of collecting them in a case (i still want my own set!!), so i decided it would be a good idea if my spacecombat babes had their own badge case too, but for daggers. everyone wants dagger pins, right? gonna try to make this a real thing either with sculpey or the power of a laser cutter.
each dagger pin you collect grants you the ability to upgrade and customize certain parts of your uniform&tools.
this particular pin case also lets you carry your official brigade badge, two bandages for quick first aid, happypill/diamondpill/toothvitamin/phasesofthemoon pain killers, antidotes, and suppressants, an emergency cigarette, and a bow clip for your hair.
idk this whole project is a massive work in progress, but i'm really excited about it and it's nice to have a default thing to draw/think about when i'm going through art blocks (which is more often than not, now that i'm done school).
ohyea there's another piece of shocking news.
(shocking to me, i mean)
i'm done school WHAT NOW
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