both sets were done in drypoint and watercolour!
same character drawn in two different styles and placed in 3 different settings. (playing around with how the story of a character changes based on the environment that surrounds them)

preview of the paper doll version of the same character! i have this problem where i name any somewhat badass female character i come up with Frankie. and they all have the same innerthigh bruise/scar >:I FAFA YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING.
this was the first print i made with the aluminum plate. i made some lines deeper and used a sortof à la poupée method for the final 3 prints.
tinytinytiny. etching this at 3am was a pain. if i had more time i would have liked to cut it all out and make little paper sets as well.
i still have two huge aluminum sheets hanging out in my room sooooooooooooooo if i find a way to print at home, THINGS WILL BE WONDERFUL.
printmaking class is over, and japanese cinema starts next week! c: