for the inclass prompt Last of the Blue Dream, ft. SHIRO AND DCW RABBITS.

twopage spread for the article
Survival of the Kindest! (done for class)

important thingsss i carry errwhere.

what i wore saturday! circle scarf, mum's cardigan, and floral dress.
smelled like mothballs and INEEDAHURRCUT DESPERATELY, BUT COLOURRR i'm wearing colour. so that was cool.
sushi and instaxminipokemontimes need to happen more often. C:

my kickassawesome team.
from L to R, VINCENOIR, GARFUNKEL, majortom (togepi), TEDDY (totodile), GROUNDCTRL
so cute. ; n ;
and to top off this longentry of long,
Prehistoric Black HoleThis artist's conception illustrates one of the most primitive supermassive black holes known (central black dot) at the core of a young, star-rich galaxy. Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have uncovered two of these early objects, dating back to about 13 billion years ago.
The monstrous black holes are among the most distant known, and appear to be in the very earliest stages of formation, earlier than any observed so far. Unlike all other supermassive black holes probed to date, this primitive duo, called J0005-0006 and J0303-0019, lacks dust. also,
Neptune may have eaten a planet and stolen its moon (found via mutations.tumblr.com)